Saturday, March 13, 2010

NEW: TOP ROD Men's Gel Stay Strong

Name of product: TOP ROD

Size of Packaging: 20gm per tube
Gel Color : pink

Distillated Water, Choroterus Crispus, Glucose, Ethoxydiglycol, Methyl Chloroisothiazolinone, Methyl isothiazolinone, Butea Superba extract, Uncaria gambir extract, Leech extract, Lavender fragrance.

  • Increase hygiene
  • Eliminate odor
  • Fungal and itch Free
  • Indirectly improves blood circulation
  • Indirectly increase erections
  • Removes Head Sensitivity
  • Extends performance and play
  • Eliminates Premature Ejaculation
  • For effective result, apply gel after washing penis area.
  • Suitable used for married person and active men.
  • Wipe and apply to needed place only.
  • External uses gel only.
  • Keep reach out from children and consult a doctor if problem persist.
Keep in room condition and dry place. Keep reach out from children.

Guarantee Safe Formula
This gel are approved by the Health Ministry of Malaysia under the cosmetic control and license bureau.
The ingredient of gel is developed with 100% natural and herbal. No chemical, No steroid and No alcohol substances are used in the formulation.
Highly concentrated extracts, essential oils and water base solutions are used in the manufacturing of the gel. GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice).
No side effects has ever been reported with regards to the content used in gel. It is proven formula used
Using Period: 10-15 time usage before intercourse.

Content of Gel
Uncaria Gambir Extract
Gambir found in Sarawak is actually atree/shrub, that used to be popular for chewing with betel nut. Traditionally about 1/4 of a whole betel nut would be wrap inside a leaf with a pinch of lime and a little gambir flavoring, the whole quid would be chewed, swallowing the secreted juices. Beside that, its also known to be used as an important leather tanning material.

Gambir Sarawak is mostly sought after as a sex aid. Aphrodisiac or "tambah power" as some claimed. Its normally used by men to prolong (local version of spanish fly) and help penis erections. Usage of gambir is simple and small amount are recommended for first time user as the sensation could be overwhelming.

Although it's mainly used by men, there have been reports that women that uses them, loves the burning sensation on their clitoris / labia and have achieved multiple orgasms due to the tingling sensation and the prolong performance by their lover. There has not been any report of side affect or allergy due to gambir as it is made from natural organic material. If unsure, do try on a small skin surface before hand.

Butea Superba extract
Butea superba is Thailand’s endemic species and was used as traditional medicine for tonic and rejuvenile for a long time in Thailand. It is a big vine grown in association with the trees. The long underground tuberous root accumulates many phytochemicals that are very benefit to human health. The results from the study of researchers confirmed that these chemicals are non-mutagenic and could induce vasodilatation especially at the penis with very similar reaction as did by Viagra but smoothly and thus elevate its erectile performance.The Products Percolated from our company has been tested in many countries and confirms that it works in normal male as well as most of the Erectile Dysfunction male.

While the commercial Erectile Dysfunction-treated drug is a great interested product despite it’s serious adverse effect which some are related to death, a herbal product such as Butea superba with soft but safe action should be an alternative.

Researchers had found that Butea superba products could be in both forms, ingest productsuch as a health food product and a topical application product such as a gel cosmetic product.

Effect of Butea superba to penis

The process starts with the brain registering a sexual stimulus. The brain then orchestrates a cascade of nerve signals that run through the spinal cord to the penis. Here, the cavernosal nerves release nitric oxide, a gas that quickly penetrates the smooth muscle cells that form the penis' spongy tissue. The nitric oxide causes the cells to produce a substance called the cyclic guanine mono phosphate (c GMP), which has an expansive, relaxing effect.
The arteries feeding the penis expand and the smooth muscle relaxes, opening up tiny sacs in the erectile tissue that then swell with blood. The two main chambers of the penis, the corpus cavernosum, fill and the organ becomes so engorged that the veins that usually drain away blood are pressed shut against the tough outer membrane of the erectile chambers.

The result is erection:

Arteries and veins penetrate the long, filled carities running the length of the penis-the corpora cavernosa and the corpus spongiosum. Erection occurs when relaxed muscles allow the corpora cavernosa to fill with excess blood fed by the arteries, while drainage of blood through the veins.

Leech Extract
Leech extract is mainly made from extracts of medicinal leeches (Hirudo Medicinalis) which contains;

Generally, Leech works by improving blood flow into the penis during erection. Upon application, the vasodilator will cause the blood vessels in penis to be dilated. At the same time, Hirudin in Leech oil will improve blood circulation in penis by recovering the inactive blood vessels and capillaries. Hirudin will also improve blood circulation inside Corpora Carvernosa (CC) and Corpus Spongiosum (CS) causing more amount of blood being trapped inside these sponge-like tissues. Apart from it Hirudin also encourages the natural process of regeneration of blood vessels along the length of penis. The Anesthetic component of Leech then gives a slightly numbing experience on the penis to give longer erection during sexual intercourse. Above all this, Hyaluronidase will help in dispersing all these components into the penis tissue more quickly causing more amount of blood to be drawn into penis.

Sunday, October 19, 2008



1. What is Sure Up blue cream, does it really work?Sure Up blue cream is a natural specialty product. When topically applied, the cream helps most men with erect dysfunction, it help erection last throughout sexual intercourse. When applied once (1) daily, it has been proven to help increase penile strength, prolong erection and prolong post ejaculation erections. When applied on a frequent and prolong basis (30 days) it induces erection more frequently.

2. What is Sure Up blue cream made from?Sure Up blue cream is made with 100% liquefied Butea Superba extract, the super potent ingredient only found in Thailand. This super potent ingredient is combined with Nigella Sativa, Rosmarinus Officinalis, Melaleuca Alternifolia, Eugenia Caryophyllus and Olea Europaea. Extensive studies and historically employed in alternative practice for years, the combine super potent are what Sure Up blue cream is made off.

3. Who needs Sure Up blue cream?
Ageing men who wish to remain sexually active
Young men who wish to prolong ejaculation and
Men who wish to have larger and harder erections.
Stats 1: 15% of today's men at 40 reports complete erect dysfunctions. Experts estimate 25% of men are troubled by the problem and over the age of 75, 78% of men report being chronically impotent.

Stats 2: Premature Ejaculation it is estimated to affect approximately 20% of men at any one time, and up to 70% of men throughout their lifetime at some point.

Stats 3: In a recent survey 70% of women admitted that they could improve their love life if their partner have larger and longer penis.
Sure Up blue cream will be of interest to all sexually active men. When applied, the blue cream will increase penile strength, prolong erection, and prolong post ejaculation erection. Sure Up blue cream is ideal for men of any age who wish to enhance their sexual abilities.

4. How should Sure Up blue cream be applied?Sure Up blue cream must be applied on the penile area once (1) every morning. Rub in the cream until it is absorbed. Application instruction is included in every box of Sure Upblue cream for your convenience.

5. How often and long is Sure Up blue cream to be applied?The blue cream should be applied once (1) daily in the morning. In seven (7) days erections will elevate more easily and user will experience more active and responsiveness. For maximum results it is advised the cream to be use regularly for thirty- (30) days, equivalent to one (1) tube.

6. Is Sure Up blue cream safe?Unlike other remedies for impotence and erect dysfunctions, Sure Up blue cream is applied topically (external application) not taken orally. No animals, chemicals and banned substance are used in the formulation of the cream. There have been no reports of adverse reaction; however whenever there are questions, your physician is the best source of advice for your own health.

• Effective in inhibiting the c-AMP phosphodiesterase enzyme which are important to increase “male penis” performance.
• Source of calcium, iron, sodium and potassium which are essential cofactors in various enzyme functions.
• High in vitamin E, A, D, K, minerals and essential fatty acids that leaves the skin soft and glowing.
• A circulatory stimulant and tonic to blood vessels and highly beneficial to nerves by increasing circulation.
• Therapeutic potential in treatment of poor sperm motility.
• Powerful immune system stimulant and sorts out most viral, bacterial and fungal infections.
• Antioxidant that prevents cell damage.
• Vasodilatation, a well absorb flavonoid and catechin to provide collagen integrity.

Both the Sure Up™ Cream series are approved by the Health Ministry of Malaysia under the cosmetic control and license bureau.
• Sure Up™ Cream control and license number: MAL 06091263K
• Sure Up™ Cream Plus control and license number: MAL 07080845K Both the Sure Up™ Cream series is developed with 100% natural and herbal ingredients. No animal, No chemical, No steroid and No alcohol substances are used in the formulation of the Sure Up™ Cream series.
Highly concentrated extracts, essential oils and water base solutions are used in the manufacturing of the Sure Up™ Cream series.
GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice), Halal Certification and Islamic Manufacturing Practice standards are used in the development and production of these unique creams. No side effects has ever been reported with regards to the content used in Sure Up™ Cream series or any other related product developed with the same or equal substance.

CONTENT of SURE UP™ CREAM SERIES Natural, Herbal and Essential Oil formulated in these products are:
BUTEA SUPERBA: The roots and stem of the plant are medicines used for strength and power. In addition, the roots and stem of the plant are considered to help increase male sexual performance.The crude extract (used in Sure Up™ cream) showed similar reaction to that of the male aphrodisiac tablet. They produce vasolidatation effect. There fore the extract are composed of substances that are effective in inhibiting the cAMP phosphodiesterase enzyme, which are very beneficial to the human penis.
ROSMARINUS OFFICIALIS: It is said to be the herb of lovers, of fidelity and of strong men. Rosmarinic acid is four times more active as an anti oxidant than Pycnogenol, which is 100 times more active than Vitamin C and E. It is beneficial to the nerves by increasing blood circulation.The most important constitute of rosemary is caffeic acid. It has therapeutic potential in treatment of poor sperm motility.
NIGELLA SATIVA: The extract of this essential oil is a source of calcium, iron, sodium and potassium. Its main function is to act as essential cofactors in various enzyme functions.
OLEA EUROPAEA: Also known commonly as Olive Oil. Recent research has shown that olive oil has an excellent moisturizing effect on the skin and leaves a breathable protective film that holds in moisture. Olive oil is high in Vitamin E, minerals and essential fatty acids that leaves the skin soft and glowing. It also contains an abundance amount of Vitamin A, D and K. MELALEUCA ALTERNIFOLIA: Commonly known as Tea Tree Oil. Tea tree oil when blended with cream and applied to the skin help clears up any fungal, bacterial as well as viral infections.On the genitor urinary system, it can be used to help clear genital infections in general
EUGENIA CARYOPHYLLUS: Also known as Clove. The first recorded use of cloves is by the Chinese in the first century B.C. during the Han Dynasty (207 B.C – 220 A.D). Cloves is said to be used as an aphrodisiac.Japanese researchers have discovered cloves high anti oxidant contents to help prevent cell damage. Its essential oil is effective against strep, staph and pneumomocci bacteria. It exhibits broad anti microbial properties against fungi and bacteria.



Benefit :
1. Removes Head Sensitivity
2. Extends Performance and Play
3. Eliminates Pre-mature Ejaculation

Sure Up cream Plus - Extend is to be used 1 hour before intercourse. When using for the 1st time it is advisable to use twice (2 times) before intercourse. 1st application minimum 6 hours before intercourse. 2nd application 1 hour before intercourse. Rinse penis with water only before applying the 2nd application. Rinse penis with water at all times before intercourse.

For maximum results, you are recommended to use both the Sure Up Cream and Sure Up Cream plus . Sure Up cream will assist you in maintaining a healthy penis and Sure Up cream Plus - Extend will indirectly assist you with penis head sensitivity.
Approved by KKM no:MAL07080845K

This unique cosmetic cream are developed to benefit the following penis and groin problems:
• Dead cells and ageing skin
• Fungal, bacteria and itch infected penis and groin problems
• Sweat, smell and odor penis and groin area.
This unique cosmetic cream are developed to indirectly help:
• Clog blood vessels which cause erectile dysfunction
• Sensitive penis head which cause premature ejaculation and
• Prostate symptoms.
Most men with the above problems consume capsules, herbal drinks and energetic beverages with very little results and many reported side effects. Short term effects include headache, fast heart beats, nausea and hangover the morning after. There are many reported incidents where a prolong consumption of these herbal capsules, beverages and drugs causes kidney, liver and heart failure.
Sure Up™ Cream Plus are application solutions. No consumption is required. The products are developed for external use. It helps men not only with hygiene and cleanliness issues plus it improves blood circulation and removes sensitive penis head issues. Bad blood circulation and clog urination vessels are the primary cause of prostate infections. These symptoms are highly visible in men above 40. Without early and proper care the risk of enlarged prostate, erectile dysfunction and prostate cancer becomes imminent.

SURE UP™ CREAM PLUS is developed in cosmetic form and the natural essential oil herbs used indirectly helps to eradicate the sensitivity of the penis head which is the primary cause of premature ejaculation.
What is premature ejaculation?
Many men occasionally ejaculate sooner during their sexual intercourse than they or their partner will like. Premature ejaculation is divided into primary ejaculation and secondary ejaculation.
• You have primary premature ejaculation if you’ve had the problem for as long as you have been sexually active.
• You have secondary premature ejaculation if you developed the condition after having had previous, satisfying sexual relationships without ejaculatory problems.

• SURE UP™ CREAM PLUS is to be used 1 hour before intercourse. When using for the 1st time, it is advisable to use twice (2 times) before intercourse. 1st application, minimum 6 hours before intercourse. 2nd application, 1 hour before intercourse. Rinse penis with water only before applying the 2nd application. Rinse penis with water at all times before intercourse.
• SURE UP™ CREAM PLUS is available in 1 size of 5g. The 5g tube content can be used up to 10 times.
• Application and how to use SURE UP™ CREAM PLUS is available in every box on purchase.
HOW fast CAN I SEE RESULTS? For maximum results, you are recommended to use both the Sure Up™ Cream and SURE UP™ CREAM PLUS. Sure Up™ Cream will assist you in maintaining a healthy penis and SURE UP™ CREAM PLUS will indirectly assist you with penis head sensitivity. SURE UP™ CREAM PLUS:Immediate results for penis head sensitivity. Increase frequency of penetration. Control ejaculation.SURE UP™ CREAM:Results for Sure Up™ Cream is divided into 3 stages. IMPORTANT NOTICE:For individual who are diabetic, heart problem, prostate problems or old age (above 65), a minimum of 120 - 150 days daily application will be required for your penis care. Two times (2 times) a day application must be adhered to. Once (1 time) in the morning, Once (1 time) before sleep. No need to rinse or wash penis before intercourse. 1ST STAGEExperience youthful, healthy skin in 14 days. No more black, red or brown spots. No bad odor. No dry and dead skin. Keeps the penis and groin area clean, fungal and bacteria free.Important : To experience above results: Sure Up™ Cream must be applied daily without miss. 2ND STAGEExperience better urination and blood flow in 30 days.Important : To experience above results: Sure Up™ Cream must be applied daily without miss. 3RD STAGEExperience healthy penis blood flow in the morning and when you are awake from sleep. Most notably in the morning. A healthy penis blood flow through the penis will indirectly increase erection.Important : To experience above results: Sure Up™ Cream must be applied daily without miss for 90days.

• Effective in inhibiting the c-AMP phosphodiesterase enzyme which are important to increase “male penis” performance.
• Source of calcium, iron, sodium and potassium which are essential cofactors in various enzyme functions.
• High in vitamin E, A, D, K, minerals and essential fatty acids that leaves the skin soft and glowing.
• A circulatory stimulant and tonic to blood vessels and highly beneficial to nerves by increasing circulation.
• Therapeutic potential in treatment of poor sperm motility.
• Powerful immune system stimulant and sorts out most viral, bacterial and fungal infections.
• Antioxidant that prevents cell damage.
• Vasodilatation, a well absorb flavonoid and catechin to provide collagen integrity.

Both the Sure Up™ Cream series are approved by the Health Ministry of Malaysia under the cosmetic control and license bureau.
• Sure Up™ Cream control and license number: MAL 06091263K
• Sure Up™ Cream Plus control and license number: MAL 07080845K Both the Sure Up™ Cream series is developed with 100% natural and herbal ingredients. No animal, No chemical, No steroid and No alcohol substances are used in the formulation of the Sure Up™ Cream series. Highly concentrated extracts, essential oils and water base solutions are used in the manufacturing of the Sure Up™ Cream series. GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice), Halal Certification and Islamic Manufacturing Practice standards are used in the development and production of these unique creams. No side effects has ever been reported with regards to the content used in Sure Up™ Cream series or any other related product developed with the same or equal substance.

CONTENT of SURE UP™ CREAM SERIES Natural, Herbal and Essential Oil formulated in these products are:
BUTEA SUPERBA: The roots and stem of the plant are medicines used for strength and power. In addition, the roots and stem of the plant are considered to help increase male sexual performance.The crude extract (used in Sure Up™ cream) showed similar reaction to that of the male aphrodisiac tablet. They produce vasolidatation effect. There fore the extract are composed of substances that are effective in inhibiting the cAMP phosphodiesterase enzyme, which are very beneficial to the human penis.
ROSMARINUS OFFICIALIS: It is said to be the herb of lovers, of fidelity and of strong men. Rosmarinic acid is four times more active as an anti oxidant than Pycnogenol, which is 100 times more active than Vitamin C and E. It is beneficial to the nerves by increasing blood circulation.The most important constitute of rosemary is caffeic acid. It has therapeutic potential in treatment of poor sperm motility.
NIGELLA SATIVA: The extract of this essential oil is a source of calcium, iron, sodium and potassium. Its main function is to act as essential cofactors in various enzyme functions.

OLEA EUROPAEA: Also known commonly as Olive Oil. Recent research has shown that olive oil has an excellent moisturizing effect on the skin and leaves a breathable protective film that holds in moisture. Olive oil is high in Vitamin E, minerals and essential fatty acids that leaves the skin soft and glowing. It also contains an abundance amount of Vitamin A, D and K.
MELALEUCA ALTERNIFOLIA: Commonly known as Tea Tree Oil. Tea tree oil when blended with cream and applied to the skin help clears up any fungal, bacterial as well as viral infections.On the genitor urinary system, it can be used to help clear genital infections in general
EUGENIA CARYOPHYLLUS: Also known as Clove. The first recorded use of cloves is by the Chinese in the first century B.C. during the Han Dynasty (207 B.C – 220 A.D). Cloves is said to be used as an aphrodisiac.Japanese researchers have discovered cloves high anti oxidant contents to help prevent cell damage. Its essential oil is effective against strep, staph and pneumomocci bacteria. It exhibits broad anti microbial properties against fungi and bacteria.

Monday, October 13, 2008



Orang Kampung® KAPSUL TONGKAT ALI (118 mg of 50:1 extract per capsule PLUS)

Eurycoma Longifolia Jack, (Tongkat Ali ) is also known as Long Jack, Pasak Bumi, and Ali's Walking Stick. This herb is particularly reknowned in Asia for its ability to increase testosterone levels up to 440%. It is a proven natural testosterone booster of the very highest efficacy. It achieves this by positively affecting hormone balance to naturally stimulate the body to produce more free testosterone. Tongkat Ali has been shown to increase sexual libido and performance and improve fertilty rates according to animal studies.

Tongkat Ali is a Southeast Asian botantical used traditionally to enhance energy levels, endurance and stamina, and to reduce occasional mental fatigue. Researchers have reported that Tongkat Ali has the effect of inhibiting the growth of cancer cells in animals, has anti-fever effect 2 times more effective than aspirin, kills malarial parasites, and contains an anti-oxidant enzyme that inhibits the chain reaction of of radicals that can be harmful to the body.
Studies have confirmed that its effect as an aphrodisiac and this is not a placebo effect. Each of these studies revealed a marked improvement in multiple aspects of mice sexual behaviour after ingestion of Tongkat Ali. Testosterone levels were also enhanced together with an increase in sperm production. Further research has also revealed anxiety relieving effects in animal models. To date, no other herb in the world can match the strength of the libido enhancement of Tongkat Ali.

A lot of incorrect information abounds the internet about the forms and dosages of Tongkat Ali that are most effective. The good news is that much of it is only marketing hype designed to sell a particular product. Tongkat Ali herb and extract can be effectively consumed at regular daily dosages (1 gram to 6 gram raw dry herb equivalent) which will provide for an improvement in energy and libido, especially in those who do not have a major sexual dysfunction but are interested in a daily testosterone / libido booster. More care is required with higher dosages of concentrated extracts (higher than 50:1) at dosages of 100 mg or more. While Tongkat Ali is generally well tolerated, these high dosages will have a more pronounced effect and are preferably taken under a health professional’s guidance.
Orang Kampung® KAPSUL TONGKAT ALI contains 118 mg of 50:1 extract per capsule PLUS concentrated extracts other supporting herbs to complement and increase the effectiveness of Tongkat Ali in optimizing the overall functioning of the cardiovascular, hormonal and nervous systems.
These capsules is produced in a factory that is GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) compliant.
The content has been regulated by the Malaysian Pharmaceutical Bureau and has been confirmed to be safe for consumption by the Malaysian Ministry of Health.
Recommended Usage: To increase vitality, improve testosterone level, improve fertility and reduce stress. Also suitable for sportsmen and those who are in weight training.
Contents : A 30-day supply of 60 capsules and A 15-day supply of 30 capsules.
Recommended Dosage : 1 capsules twice daily regularly for as long as required. It’s recommended to swallow the capsules with a cup of strong black coffee as caffeine helps boost the efficacy of Tongkat Ali.
Side Effects : None observed at the dosages recommended.

Leech Oil For Real Man - 60ml

What is Minyak Lintah Tapa Plus?
"Minyak Lintah Tapa" or so called meditated Leech Oil was meditated for 40 days and 40 nights in the green young coconut according to the traditional herbs recipe, old books and ancient Malay heritage. It is suitable to be applied to those having problems in sexual relationship, those wanting to increase the pleaseure in sex and those who want to improve their private part for big,long,stiff, long lasting, avoid premature ejaculation, strengthening penis and smoother seminal ejaculation.
1. Big, Long, Stiff
2. Long lasting
3. Increase pleasure in sexual intercourse
4. Strenghten penis
5. Recover elasticity of urinary tract and seminal tract
6. Recover 6,666 penis' veins
7. Smoother seminal ejaculation

HIRUDO MEDICINALIS (medicinal leech)
Scientific interest in leeches date back to ancient India. However, the first Western citation is credited to the Greek, Nicander of Colophon (c 130 BC). These early references were accounts of the use of leeches for bloodletting. This therapeutic use of leeches, the medicinal leech in particular, reached a height between 1825 and 1840. A more contemporary use of leeches was discovered in 1957 by Markwardt. The leech secretion hirudin was isolated and subsequently its anticoagulant properties with respect to the elucidation of blood clotting mechanisms were examined.

Today medicinal leeches are used as tools in tissue grafts and reattachment surgery. Not only do they secrete anticoagulants to prevent blood clots and relieve pressure due to pooling blood. It appears that leech saliva has other therapeutic properties. Leech saliva helps reestablish blood flow to reattached body parts by means of a vasodilator, provides a numbing anesthetic, and lessens the risk of infection due to an antibiotic.

[ FAQ ]
What are the effects of Hirudo Medicinalis ?
It acts mainly upon blood vessels and the whole vascular system.
· On blood circulation generally: effective anticoagulant, antithrombotic and thrombolytic.
· On microcirculation
· On atheroma : vasorelaxing, anti-inflammatory and analgesic actions
Moreover, the effects have been proven through centuries of usage and their active effectiveness has been scientifically tested and demonstrated recently.
What are the active elements that leech extracts contain ?
Leeches in general, but mostly the Hirudo medicinalis variety, contain a vast number of active compunds which can act upon every system and sub-system connected with blood flow and microcirculation. Although their anticoagulant actions are the most well known and fully documented, other actions are also useful and effective:
· anti-inflammatory
· anaesthetic
· antiphlogistic; and
· anti-infectious.
The most powerful known anticoagulant is also the best known leech enzyme - hirudin.Not only is it a thrombin inhibitor (thrombin is directly involved in coagulation), it is also dissolves already formed blood clots (fibrinolysin hydrolyzing fibrin).
The extract also contains Pheromone, a hormonal scent that attracts the opposite sex - and now commonly sold over the counter as "mating-aid" for men. Traces of Nitric Oxide (NO) are also found in Hirudo medicinalis. Its variants are being used to manufacture 'The Blue Pill'.Nitric Oxide upon contact with the clitoris is known to induce and enhance orgasm in women.All these facts point to one thing - the effectiveness of Minyak Lintah Tapa® on penile enhancement is second to none. Massaging your penis twice daily with Minyak Lintah Tapa® will improve the size and performance of your penis; in fact you'll see the difference after the first rub. The ointment has been traditionally used to treat Erectile Dysfunction in men centuries before 'the blue pill' was discovered and has no known adverse effect.
Contents in Minyak Lintah TAPA or LEECH OIL
Nitric Oxide
solve erectional functon
widely used for letting blood, the medicinal leech (Hirudo medicinalis) may now be used following microsurgery (e.g. to replace a severed finger) to restore patency to blocked or collapsed blood vessels and thus encourage the growth of new capillaries. The anticoagulants in the saliva of this and other species are being investigated for the treatment and prevention of thrombosis. Hirudin has been isolated from H. medicinalis. The purification and structure of hirudin has been the focus of intense research. It consists of 65 amino acids and is a potent, specific inhibitor of thrombin. Thrombin activates the conversion of fibrin from fibrinogen and promotes platelet aggregation. Inhibition by hirudin would decrease blood clot formation and promote continued blood flow from the affected area. Thrombosis is the formation of a blood clot inside a blood vessel, which often obstructs the flow of blood. Thrombosis is more likely to occur if the blood vessel is damaged, if the blood flow is very slow, or if the blood is in a condition in which it is more likely to clot. The commonest site of thrombosis is in the veins of the legs.
works as Vasodilator: A vasodilator increases the diameter of blood vessels and promotesblood flow. The leech vasodilator is a histamine-like substance and is found in the salivary cells.
The main therapeutic benefit of the leech - Hirudo Medicinalis is that it produces a number of diverse salivary secretions that include an anesthetic, anticoagulant (hirudin), local vasodilator (histamine),and an enzyme (hyaluronidase).
increase sexual arouse

HOW TO USE Minyak Lintah Tapa®
It is recommended for a first time user to massage the groin with the oil using a massage technique that will be included in the pack, twice a day, morning and night, (do not wash of the oil after massaging) continuously for at least 7 days or until the desired result is achieved. It is best to avoid sexual activity during this period. After desired result is achieved, the frequency of application can be reduced, around 2-3 times weekly on a regular basis.
Although it is recommended to wait for a week before having sex, you can see and feel the positive difference after the very first application.
What I have here is the REAL Thing. Within One week of diligent use I guarantee you that you will see the result! With proper use and discipline you will see the result in just a short time. I highly recommend this product. Buy now and improve your sex life!